Addison's "aunt" Lauren flew in from Ohio this week and "aunt" Tiffane came down from Chi-town and we all cooked dinner. I of course didn't get to eat until after Addison ate.
Thad snapped a few pics of my dad walking Addison out back, he had to show her the dock and water and the boat ... that's where my dad spends most his time if he not at work=)
This picture is adorable, Addison fell asleep on daddy's lap at church. She usually takes her morning nap around 11 so she usually doesn't make all the way through church.
I thought since it was such a pretty day I would try to get some pictures of Addison outside with the roses. As you can see it went straight to her mouth!
I've been eating cereal for last 3 weeks ... it took me a day or two to get the hang of it but I like it now. Mommy likes it because it helps keep my belly full through the night=)